
Blue Ribbon Panel: How to increase funds for State Fish & Wildlife Agencies

By Mike Toth

Field and Stream

For Dave Chanda, the bald eagle that he saw soaring over Pennsylvania Avenue when he arrived in Washington D.C. last week was symbolic of what he was in town to do.

And, he hoped, a good omen.

Chanda is the director of the New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife. He’s also the current president of the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, which works to collaboratively advance sound, science-based management on a national level. That objective includes working with legislators to enact conservation and management policies that benefit fish, wildlife, and habitat, and get funding to make that happen.

It all sounds a bit wonkish until you realize just how much of a conservation crisis the agencies are in, because of an acute lack of the funds they need to put toward the protection of fish, wildlife, and habitat. There’s nothing wonkish about watching a species of woodpecker or tortoise or trout disappear for good because you couldn’t afford to actively manage a species in decline.

That’s why Chanda’s bald eagle—a species that was brought back from near-extinction throughout much of its range—gave him hope.

Chanda was in D.C. to introduce the findings of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish & Wildlife Resources. The panel, formed by AFWA and composed of 28 national business and conservation leaders who represented interests from Hess and Toyota to the National Wildlife Federation and the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, met three times over the past year to figure out “a more sustainable funding approach to avert a fish and wildlife conservation crisis.”

In other words: How can we get more money to states so that they can pay for the programs that will save fish and wildlife for future generations?

The Third Part of the Triangle

State fish and wildlife agencies get some of their funding from the Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson Acts, those well-known excise taxes on hunting arms and ammo (P-R) and fishing tackle (D-J). What’s unique about these taxes is that they are self-imposed: hunters and anglers deliberately paying part of the cost to maintain the fish, wildlife, and habitat that are necessary to their sports.

But, as David Freudenthal, former Governor of Wyoming and National Co-Chair of the Blue Ribbon Panel, pointed out, “Money from the hook-and-bullet crowd is not enough anymore.”

The list of federally endangered and threatened species is at 1600 today, and many expect it to increase to thousands in the near future. When a species becomes listed, the financial impact to businesses, along with the cost of regulatory compliance, runs into the millions—and that’s not to mention yet another blow to our ecosystem.

“There are expectations by the public to look after non-game animals, but hunters and fishermen can’t pay for it all,” Freudenthal said. “Hunters tell me, ‘I’m buying a hunting tag for elk, but my money is going toward grizzly bears—a species that’s trying to eat the elk I want to hunt!’”

America has something to treasure, Freudenthal noted, and we need a way to protect it. “For example, the meadowlark is not a game species in Wyoming, but it’s the state bird, and people care about it,” he pointed out. “But nobody is paying a penny for the non-consumptive use of wildlife.”

According to the Blue Ribbon panel, the solution is this: Dedicate up to $1.3 billion every year from existing energy and mineral resource development revenues to funding for state fish and wildlife departments. That equates to 10 percent of the total $13 billion that is already collected from the sale of these non-renewable resources. The fund would be a permanent authorization, not an annual appropriation. Half would come from royalties and lease revenues collected on onshore energy and mineral development, the other half from offshore.


“In 1937, sportsmen said, ‘Let’s tax ourselves to save game,’” pointed out Collin O’Mara, President and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. “The P-R Act and D-J Act resulted.


“This funding is the third piece of the triangle.”


An Investment for the Future

It’s well documented that the outdoor industry, which is directly reliant on healthy fish and wildlife populations to succeed, generates $646 billion annually and supports more than 6 million jobs. At the same time, children are becoming increasingly disconnected from the outdoors, losing out on life-improving experiences and negatively impacting their well-being. And it’s largely up to the state agencies to provide that nature…which they increasingly can’t afford to do.

John Morris, Founder of Bass Pro Shops and Co-Chair of the Blue Ribbon Panel with Freudenthal, bluntly pointed this out. “I jumped at the chance to participate on the panel, because agencies are at a crossroads,” he said. “State agencies have an unbelievably important role. They’re being asked to do more and more, but they can’t rob from game species to maintain non-game species.”

Dave Chanda mentioned the recent successful attempt to keep greater sage-grouse off of the endangered species list. “The money raised for landscape-level conservation resulted in no SA listing for the sage-grouse,” he said, which prevented a tremendous loss of revenue resulting from a listing.

That’s why the bald eagle soaring over the nation’s capitol filled Chanda with such hope. Twenty years ago, there was one nesting pair left in New Jersey. Now there are 190 pairs and the species is no longer endangered—another example that on-the-ground conservation efforts and investments pay off.Learn more about the Blue Ribbon Panel report here and stay tuned for developments

Ducks nesting in your backyard?

From Ducks Unlimited

After the courtship flights and mating rituals are complete, the end result of course is nesting hens. Every apartment complex pond, golf course, park and even some swimming pools can become targeted nesting areas for hens looking to raise ducklings. Ducks and geese have been known to think outside the box when it comes to finding a safe place for a nest, while others seem to not be thinking at all.

Soon, people all over the country will begin finding nesting birds. Knowing what to do, and most importantly what not to do, with and around the nest is very important.

There are many laws and treaties that protect migratory birds. It is ILLEGAL to take or possess eggs of nesting migratory birds without the proper permits!

Things to know about a mallard nest

The nest bowl is 7-8 inches in diameter and 1-2 inches deep.

Once the nest is built, egg laying will begin from 1-3 days.

Nest cover can be any form of vegetation available within the area. Preferably dense vegetation 24 inches high, such as native grasslands and CRP fields.

The hen will lay an average of 9 eggs which will hatch within 28 days once incubation begins.

What to do when you’ve found a nest on your property

DU conservation biologists highly recommend that you leave the nest undisturbed and try to avoid walking in its area.

Too many ducks and geese on your property? Contact the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism at 620-672-5911.

Problems with nesting Canada Geese?

Stories will soon begin to spread about the goose that chased the jogger through the local park, or tried to attack someone who was trying to hit a golf shot. A Canada goose can be very hostile toward anything that approaches its nest. Learning how to recognize nests, how long they will be on the nest, and how to avoid provoking nesting geese will help you steer clear of goose/human conflicts this spring.

Identifying a nest

Canada geese have a diverse approach toward nesting. They will nest almost anywhere; bushes, fairways, cliffs, muskrat houses and small islands.

Canada geese exhibit very strong family and pair bonds, and tend to return to their natal homes to nest.

Artificial structures such as tires, washtubs, and boat docks will attract a goose searching for a nest.

Generally, the goose will sit on the nest and the gander will stand guard nearby.

They will lay a range of 4-8 eggs per clutch and the eggs will hatch within 25-30 days.

Canada geese will renest if a nest is destroyed.

What to do if you find a nest on your property?

Again, it is highly recommended that you leave the nest undisturbed and try to avoid walking in its area.

Having problems with resident Canada geese on your property?

Most state agencies provide information on controlling nuisance Canada geese.

Too many geese on your property? Contact the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism at 620-672-5911.

Winner, winner turkey dinner

When the cluck of a box call or the purr of slate inspires a gobble in the distance, a turkey hunter can’t help but smile. But when a plate of sizzling, fried turkey meat coated in a golden crust hits the dinner table, everyone has a reason to grin. Spring turkey season in Kansas is here and as the action heats up, so can your frying pan, with the help of these simple season reminders.

The 2016 Youth/Disabled spring turkey season is April 1-12, followed by the Archery season April 4-12, and the Regular season April 13-May 31. Youth and disabled hunters may use all legal equipment during the Youth/Disabled season: shotguns using shot size 2-9 and archery equipment, including long, recurve and compound bows and crossbows. Only archery equipment may be used during the Archery season. All legal equipment may be used during the Regular season.

Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Hunters who have purchased a spring turkey permit are eligible for one second turkey game tag, valid for Units 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. The bag limit is one turkey with a visible beard per permit or game tag.

Dogs may not be used during the spring season.

To locate turkey hunting ground near you, consult the 2016 Kansas Spring Turkey Hunting Atlas or visit

Explore the world of Kansas Hummingbirds April 17

Hummingbirds may be the most attractive and anticipated visitors to backyards each year and anyone who has been entertained by these tiny darters knows just how mesmerizing they can be. Don Kazmaier, Larned, is a hummingbird enthusiast and has photographed and studied these birds’ habits extensively. On Sunday, April 17, Kazmaier will share his knowledge about Kansas hummingbirds in a presentation during the Friends of Cheyenne Bottoms (FOCB) annual meeting at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center (KWEC), 592 NE K-156 Highway, Great Bend.

Come out for a free barbeque sponsored by FOCB from 5-6 p.m. and stay for the annual meeting and hummingbird presentation. Attendees are encouraged to sign up for or renew their annual FOCB membership, which is $25 for individuals or families; however anyone may attend the programs free of charge.

For more information, call KWEC at (877) 243-9268.

Do your part for the birds and bees: Go native in your garden this spring

Native plants provide high-quality nourishment for birds, butterflies, bees

By Jill Draper

The Kansas City Star

Do you live in a food desert? Not for you, with your grocery stores and farmers markets, but for the bugs, birds and butterflies that surround you as part of nature’s complex and mysterious web of life.

If your house is flanked by wide areas of lawn dotted with common Asian imports — Bradford pear trees, Japanese maples, burning bush, crape myrtle, day lilies, spirea, hostas, bush honeysuckle and such (there are thousands of introduced species like these in North America) — then the answer is probably yes.

That’s bad news for wildlife. The good news is you can improve the situation by simply adding more native plants to your landscaping.

What’s so important about planting things that naturally grow here? Consider this: One spring morning Doug Tallamy set up a camera in his yard full of native plants and trees near a chickadee nest and watched the parents feed their babies 30 caterpillars in a 27-minute period.

Other scientists have conducted all-day counts in similar environments and come up with equally astonishing numbers. After their eggs hatch, one single pair of chickadees, robins, bluebirds or cardinals will feed their clutch thousands of caterpillars over a two-week span, most of these gathered from less than 200 feet — or a few city blocks — of the nest. Like babies everywhere, young birds eat soft, squishy things and cannot digest hard seeds and insects.

“These common birds require a mind-boggling number of caterpillars,” says Tallamy, an entomologist and ecology expert who traveled to Kansas City a few months ago to speak to horticulture industry leaders at the Western Nursery trade show. “But there’s not enough nature anymore, and their numbers are dwindling. Homeowners play a huge role in all this, but most of them don’t know it.”

The problem is that local songbirds, butterflies and bees — things we like to see in our neighborhoods — co-evolved with local plants. When the landscape is full of non-natives, there’s not enough high-quality nourishment to go around. Sure, some species like pigeons or starlings will eat dropped French fries from a parking lot and survive. But many beneficial forms of life are going hungry and beginning to fade away.

Leaders of a new movement called the Kansas City Native Plant Initiative hope to change that predicament. For the first time more than 30 local wildlife organizations have joined together to win a $230,000 National Wildlife Federation grant to pay for workshops, demonstration plots and educational resources to encourage residents to plant more natives. Their message is not just for homeowners, though. They say that business sites, schools, churches, condo associations and even apartment dwellers with potted plants on a balcony can join in.

A parallel effort called the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge is a nationwide call to action that promotes planting sources of nectar and pollen and registering your yard at

Tom Schroeder, a south Kansas City homeowner, heard the call years ago. Half of his backyard is planted with trees, bushes and flowers that attract native bees and other pollinators. He says there are 4,000 species of native bees in the U.S., not including wasps. Some are black and yellow bumblebees, but others range from a brilliant metallic green to dark brown, and from one-eighth-inch to over an inch long.

“I never realized the diversity of bees that were here all along,” says Schroeder, who notes his 50-by-70-foot pollinator patch changes every month from March to November and requires little maintenance after early June. He grows perennials like anise hyssop, spiderwort and bee balm in 3-foot blocks so the bees and butterflies can forage more easily.

When he walks through his yard, it reminds him of wandering onto a prairie. “There’s so much motion and color — a vast, huge array of interest and beauty. I’m entertained by it all. I’m always surprised because something new is always showing up.”

Native bees live in solitary tunnels in bare spots of ground (the openings sometimes look like small ant hills) or in cavities like the stems of dead plants. Unlike yellow jackets, they rarely sting.

“I’ve probably spent a hundred hours with my head down in flowers with a camera, and I’ve never been bothered,” Schroeder says.

If the fate of native bees is a lesser known problem (conservation biologists believe dozens of species are going extinct every year), monarch butterflies are the poster children for troubled pollinators.

Even pristine lawn lovers are starting to pay attention. Mary Nemecek recalls growing up in the Northland with “sacred” grass.

“We didn’t walk on it after rain, frost or when it was just mowed,” she says. But not long ago her father asked about the monarchs: “If I wanted to help, what would I do?”

Eventually he volunteered a low spot along his fence line and allowed her to plant three kinds of milkweed along with asters, coreopsis, sneezeweed, liatris and coneflowers. As soon as the plants bloomed, he called her with exciting news: “I’ve got caterpillars! I’ve got butterflies!”

Nemecek, a member of the local Audubon Society and a spokeswoman for the KC Native Plant Initiative, says there’s no need to be fanatical. It’s OK to garden with beautiful non-natives, but think of them as sculptures: You need only a few.

This idea is echoed by Alan Branhagen, director of horticulture at Powell Gardens, who points out that some non-natives such as the Asian crabapple tree are actually beneficial for wildlife. But he shakes his head with disbelief that municipal arborists named the Japanese zelkova as the 2016 urban tree of the year.

“This tree is becoming a horrible invasive. And how many things feed on it? Zero! It’s like you’re planting something plastic,” he says. By contrast, some of the most helpful native trees he recommends for our area — oaks, willows, hackberries, wild plums and cherries, and roughleaf dogwood — provide food and shelter for hundreds of types of caterpillars and birds.

Branhagen is designing a bed at Loose Park as part of the native plant initiative. Other new native plantings will include 100 acres along Mill Creek in Shawnee Mission Park, various schoolyards and along Missouri state highways.

With all this activity planned, you might be wondering why your yard matters. Aren’t there plenty of places for nature to be happy somewhere else? Not so, says Nemecek, who points out that we’re losing 2.2 million acres of habitat a year in the U.S. to development or cropland.

And many of the natural areas that remain are being taken over by imported plants that have escaped from our gardens and are crowding out the natives almost like a form of biological pollution. They’re green, but they’re not supporting wildlife.

Tallamy puts forth a solution: If we reduce the nation’s 40 million acres of lawn by half and plant it with native flowers, grasses, bushes and trees, it would create a natural area larger than a dozen of our most famous parks combined, including the Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains, Denali and Yosemite.

“We could call it the Homegrown National Park,” he suggests with a smile. But he’s not really joking.

“Our little piece of the world plays a critical role in all this,” he says. “We’re saving ourselves here. That sounds dramatic, but that’s exactly what it is. Homeowners are living with a very powerful conservation tool, if they will use it.”

How you can help

▪ Reduce or eliminate applications of weed suppressants and just mow what grows (these chemicals are not only bad for pollinators — they’re bad for kids, pets and the watershed)

▪ Reduce the size of your lawn by enlarging existing beds or creating new plantings along the edges

▪ Begin transitioning your non-native ornamentals to native species

▪ Leave some dead leaves in planted areas as mulch (beneficial things live there over winter)

▪ Don’t kill wild violets — that’s what caterpillars eat to become fritillary butterflies

▪ Keep a few small piles of dead hollow stems as homes for native bees

▪ Grow a succession of native plants for each season: spring, summer and fall



Native plants will be available at most garden centers and the following spring sales:

April 16: Gorman Discovery Center, 4750 Troost Ave. (plus freebies while supplies last)

April 16: Backyard Bird Center, 6212 N.W. Barry Road

April 23 and April 30: City Market, 20 E. Fifth St.

April 30: John Wornall House, 61st Terrace and Wornall Road

May 7: Powell Gardens, 1609 N.W. U.S. 50, outside Kingsville, Mo.

May 6-7: Overland Park Arboretum, 8909 W. 179th St.

May 13-14: Weston Bend State Park, Bee Creek Shelter, 16600 Missouri 45 N.

Lesser Prairie-chicken range-wide plan reports successful second year


On March 31, 2016, the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) its second annual report, detailing achievements of the Lesser Prairie-chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan (LPRCP). Highlights include the estimated 25 percent increase in the range-wide lesser prairie-chicken  population to just over 29,000 birds, the nearly $51 million in fees committed by industry partners to pay for mitigation actions, and the more than 67,000 acres of habitat landowners across the range have agreed to conserve.

The range-wide plan is a collaborative effort of WAFWA and the state wildlife agencies of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado. It was developed to ensure conservation of the lesser prairie-chicken with voluntary cooperation from landowners and industry. This plan allows agriculture producers and industry to continue operations while reducing impacts to the bird and its grassland habitat.

“Conservation of the lesser Prairie-chicken is a long-haul proposition,” said Alexa Sandoval, director of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and chairman of the Lesser Prairie-chicken Initiative (LCPI) Council. “We’re encouraged that after just two years of implementation, we have so many positive indicators that the range-wide plan is working. We commend all of our partners for their commitment to conservation of this iconic grassland species.”

The plan was endorsed by the USFWS, and as part of the conservation agreement, the states agreed to report progress annually. The findings for 2015 are summarized below.

Lesser Prairie-chicken Population Up

The 2015 range-wide aerial survey documented a 25 percent increase in the lesser prairie-chicken population to an estimated total of 29,162 birds. This increase is attributed to an abundance of rainfall in spring 2015, along with ongoing range-wide plan conservation initiatives. Aerial surveys for 2016 are underway and will run through mid-May. Results are anticipated in early July.

Land Conservation Efforts Increasing

Substantial progress was made on private land conservation across the lesser prairie-chicken’s range. Eight landowner contracts were finalized, encompassing 67,512 acres. Conservation measures are being implemented range-wide, including habitat restoration on 8,214 of 15,911 prescribed acres. And a total of $1,821,737 was paid to landowners managing their lands to generate credits for lesser prairie-chicken conservation. In addition, WAFWA acquired title to a 1,604-acre tract of native rangeland in west Texas, near the Yoakum Dunes Wildlife Management Area last June.

Technology Enhances Conservation Decision Making

Scientists are using the latest technology to designate where and how conservation actions should be implemented for the greatest benefit. The Southern Great Plains Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool enhances the existing Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT) program administered by WAFWA. It identifies focal areas and connectivity zones where lesser prairie-chicken conservation actions will be emphasized. A project estimator tool unique to CHAT was designed to encourage companies to implement more effective pre-planning development efforts and it worked. These enhancements have resulted in 5,066 instances of access to CHAT, with an average of 145 users per week.

Cooperative Efforts Enhancing Conservation

Working with conservation partners, programs and cooperative efforts are expanding voluntary landowner incentives and practices to benefit the birds. For example, the Natural Resource Conservation Service has incorporated CHAT elements into the ranking criteria for projects being considered under the Lesser Prairie-chicken Initiative. Using CHAT, prescribed grazing practices were applied on 179,805 acres through the Lesser Prairie-chicken Initiative in 2015. These combined efforts have resulted in nearly 250,000 acres being conserved for the benefit of the lesser prairie-chicken.

Mitigation Efforts Positively Impact Development Decisions

One of the major components of the range-wide plan involves working with industry to avoid and minimize impacts of development activities. The WAFWA mitigation framework can be used by any entity. In 2015, there were several industries participating, including oil and gas, pipeline, electric, wind energy and telecommunications. During this past year, 177 companies enrolled in WAFWA conservation agreements. WAFWA collected $11,843,403 in fees in 2015, bringing the program total to $50,800,884, which will offset unavoidable impacts at off-site mitigation locations. In 2015, 409 project agreements were authorized, assessing development costs tied to the quality of habitat being impacted. After two years of implementation, a review of all the projects assessed shows that the mean cost was $11,936 per project, varying by ecoregion. WAFWA has documented that these mitigation costs are positively impacting development decisions and participants are actively selecting areas with low quality habitat.

Listening and Learning Informs All Conservation Decisions

Successful collaborative efforts require vigilance and commitment to considering all input. Through the Lesser Prairie-chicken  Advisory Committee, WAFWA has been receptive to input from all stakeholders, including industry, non-governmental organizations, state and federal agencies, landowners and the general public. The LPCI Council has developed an adaptive management framework incorporating monitoring and new information to make adjustments as needed, maximizing conservation benefits to the lesser prairie-chicken.

Full details are available in the WAFWA annual report at

Back-to-back birding events coming up

Kansas bird enthusiasts, get your pens and keyboards ready because two exciting events in April and May should be on your calendars. The 2016 Kansas Birding Festival will be held April 29-30 at the United Methodist Church, Wakefield, at the north end of Milford Lake. Highlights of this event include guided field trips to the lake area marshes, parks and woodlands; finger food, wine and cheese reception at Tom’s Taxidermy in Wakefield; early morning field trips to see and hear the booming of greater prairie chickens on Saturday; and a banquet, featuring Dr. David Rintoul of Kansas State University, giving festival attendees an insight on birdlife and bird conservation efforts in New Zealand.

Local experts will also give attendees advice on best locations for those who wish to explore the area on their own.

The second organized birding event that is a must-do is the Kansas Ornithological Society’s (KOS) spring meeting, May 6-8 at Camp Horizon, just east of Arkansas City. This traveling annual spring event provides opportunities for birders to experience Kansas birding during one of the best bird watching weekends of the year. The event will kick off with a welcome reception at Camp Horizon Friday evening and include all-day fieldtrips on Saturday, and half-day trips on Sunday led by enthusiastic experts.

The Saturday evening program, “Wildlife Down Under,” will feature a presentation from Bob Gress, retired director of the Wichita Great Plains Nature Center, who will share his recent experiences observing and photographing wildlife in Australia.

If you’re excited about Kansas birds, don’t miss out on these opportunities to meet folks with a shared passion, and experience some great birding!

For more information on the 2016 Kansas Birding Festival and to register, visit

For more information on the KOS spring meeting and to register, visit

Paddle party on the Kaw April 16-17

Does the warmer weather have you anxious to hit the water? Join in on the fun of The Little Apple Paddle on Saturday, April 16, when water-lovers of all kinds will quench their thirst for adventure paddling on the Kansas River! The route begins at Junction City and travels 10 miles to Ogden. The cost is just $10 per paddler and everyone is welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Marcia Rozell ([email protected]).

Paddlers can enjoy just the Saturday paddle or stick around for more fun. Space will be available to campout on a sandbar in Ogden, or stay the night at one of several hotel rooms reserved in Manhattan. On Sunday, the group will then continue down the Kansas River from Ogden to Manhattan (14 miles).

Participants are asked to meet at the Fairmont Boat Ramp in Manhattan on Saturday, April 16 at 8 a.m. A shuttle car will be available to help transport items, and Tuttle Creek State Park will have kayaks for rent. Cost per kayak rental is $25 for one day, or $35 for the weekend.

What you need to bring:

-Kayak or canoe

-PFD with whistle


-Bottled water

-Food for the day

-Tent/sleeping bag


-Sun protection and a hat

-Change of clothes

-Water shoes

For more information, contact Rozell at (785) 537-3030 or [email protected].

Wild about Kansas photo contest kicks off April 11

Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine staff invite you to enter your favorite outdoor photographs in the 4th annual Wild About Kansas photo contest beginning April 11. Participants can submit up to three photos in select categories including wildlife, other species, hunting and fishing, outdoor recreation, or landscapes. There is no fee to enter, and the contest is open to both residents and nonresidents.


Wildlife: game and nongame animals, primarily mammals, migratory birds, furbearers, etc.

Other Species: insects, reptiles, and amphibians.

Hunting and Fishing: hunters and anglers; set-up shots following a hunt or fishing trip will be accepted. However, “action” shots, or photos taken during the activity will be given preference.

Outdoor Recreation: people participating in recreational activities outdoors, not hunting or fishing.

Landscapes: scenery; wildlife may be present, but should not be the sole focus of the image.

Photographers can submit up to three photos. Photos must be taken within the state of Kansas and must be the entrant’s original work.

Each photo will be judged on creativity, composition, subject matter, lighting, and the overall sharpness. Winners will be featured in the 2017 Special Photo Issue of Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine.

Only electronic images will be accepted and must be e-mailed to Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine managing editor, Nadia Marji, at [email protected] no later than 5 p.m. on Nov. 4, 2016. Photos must be in JPEG or TIFF format and file size should be not less than 1mb and not more than 5mb.

Additional information and entry forms will be available on the April 11 contest start date at

Apply for 2016 nonresident deer permits online April 1-29


Beginning April 1, hunters interested in obtaining a nonresident deer permit may begin the online application process by visiting The cost to apply is $454.59 for hunters 16 and older and $121.46 for hunters 15 and younger, including all processing fees. Deadline to apply is April 29. Applying early will not give hunters preference in the lottery draw.

Hunters interested in purchasing a preference point in lieu of applying may do so for $28.19, including all processing fees.

A total of 21,816 nonresident deer permits will be made available for the 2016-2017 season and will be distributed among the Deer Management Units as follows:

Unit 1- 850

Unit 2- 466

Unit 3- 1,002

Unit 4- 492

Unit 5- 656

Unit 6- 538

Unit 7- 1,603

Unit 8- 1,940

Unit 9- 981

Unit 10- 1,252

Unit 11- 3,109

Unit 12- 2,076

Unit 13- 621

Unit 14- 1,856

Unit 15- 1,405

Unit 16- 2,103

Unit 17- 562

Unit 18- 304

The 2016 deer season will be open Sept. 3-11 for youth and disabled hunters; Sept. 12-25 for muzzleloader season; Sept. 12-Dec. 31 for archery season; Oct. 8-9 for the pre-rut white-tailed deer antlerless-only season; and Nov. 30-Dec. 11 for firearms seasons.

Extended firearms seasons will be open Jan.1-2 in Units 6, 8, 9, 10, 16, or 17; Jan. 1-8 in Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, or 14; and Jan. 1-15 in Units 10A, 15, or 19.

For more information on deer hunting in Kansas, visit and click “Hunting,” “Big Game Information,” then “Deer.”